
Welcome to my blog...I wanted to expand on my computer and writing skills along with tapping into other nurses and nurse practitioners...my thoughts were to share my experience becoming a nurse and my carrer experiences throughout the past 30 years...please join in and read...you may have some good stories your self to share or some good advice or tips for the trade...I would love to hear from you as long as you enjoy hearing from me....

Friday, April 7, 2017

It Has Been A Long Week

Do you ever have those weeks where the days seem to blur together and you find yourself at the end of the week and you don't know how you got there?  Well, if you haven't I can tell you about my week.  It was centered around one patient. How can one patient take up most of your time.  They literally occupy all the energy you have.  They find ways to make them you. I can't go into much detail...but I can tell you ,that as much as you want to help a patient, they may not see your help as beneficial. They may have perception that you are not what they need nor know what you are talking about.  They exert all of their energy into things that are making them sicker and preventing them from getting better. Despite your help and professional expertise and attempting to educate them differently...they are on a  different wave length....This wave length may be attached to deep seeded emotional issues that prevent them from seeing the realism of their real problems.  Their perception  of what will help them is what will hurt them.  Despite your efforts and attempts to see you care...they despise  you and make you the enemy. It saddens me that I can't fix this....It frustrates me I can't help them realize....I will never understand how mental illness can affect an individual to not making the right decisions. Despite their competence, they emotions, personality and behavior supersede their best  judgment and overcome their actions and decisions.
It is frustrating and beyond my understanding how this can be.
Being a Nurse Practitioner sometimes sees those who despite wanting help can't be helped because deep seeded problems that they have yet to face .